Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Losing ourselves after retouched?

Photoshop is a tool for us to do photo editing, but sometimes tools can be used to an extreme extend where photo are manipulated to an extend where the original subject model is totally modify to create a different feel and for the sake of meeting certain needs and audience's requirements, but for a normal context, perfect beauty is not easy to achieve, millions and millions are spend for a celebrity to prevent themselves from aging.
What more a modern citizen have to do for them to achieve that perfect beauty shown on the billboard advertisement? Below are some examples of how fashion industry change the way they want their audience to see them.

The effect of retouched photos shown to public has come to point that people starts to crave what is rather created than knowing or appreciating the real beauty is. For fashion industry, perfection is everything, from being pretty to fabulous, and to portray that perfection, tools like Photoshop can deliver outcome, but being perfect something just too hard to archive, in a daily life context, media like TV advertisements and beauty products being sold nowadays. It has affected modern day teenagers way of portraying beauty, but putting on makeup at a early stage and buying beauty products to maintain their beauty because they feel the need to. Above samples are photos manipulated to show a different range of outcome after editing, showing a total different person presented from the outcome. Ultimately under all those makeup and editing put into changing the person's final photo does change the fact that we are still humans that will age eventually, the fact that not accepting we're gonna one day age and die doesn't change after we chose to edit those photos to become perfect human being. 

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