Saturday, June 29, 2013

Media Culture: Intro to Digital Camera

My second post I'll be talking about where did Digital camera came about, so we know how hard it is to take photo and store photos all together back in those days.

(Picture below taken from

George Eastman with a Brownie
The root of digital camera can be traced back when it was created several hundred years ago. The name Kodak was invented by George Eastman, because "K" was George's favorite letter and he wanted a name easy to pronounce for all countries, and  in year 1888 the name Kodak was born. Back then the KODAK camera was placed on the market with a slogan, "You press the button- we do the rest", hence the birth of digital camera. The idea back then was to create something compact and handy to carry, Kodak also invented the transparent film which made Thomas Edison's motion picture camera possible. A camera for the professional to capture a motion and stop motion picture, serving the purpose of being convenient to those who uses it, with an pre-installed film roll, user can create more memories on special occasions without the presents of a professional camera man to capture the picture for them, and instead doing it themselves. So I can say that before Facebook, Instagram make all this mainstream is was already there, used and created by professionals who comes from film and engineering background by people like George Eastman and Thomas Edison.

George Eastman with Thomas Edison

The Inventor of Digital camera (Video)

In this video, David Friedman interviews Steven Sasson shows his first digital camera and how it work. It is at 1975 that Steven Sasson came up with his small box size compact digital camera that can store 100 pictures inside the camera itself, in this video Steven share some insights of how the camera was made.

For this post here we can trace back the origin of digital camera how is was and in my next post I will be talking about digital camera now and its effect of professionals in the creative industry.

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